Year in Review 1st July 2011 - 1st July 2012


  • 145 Protests and Leafleting Events
  • 6 Information Stalls in Dublin City Centre


  • 16,000


  • We received a total of 315 emails, through our website, in the past year from members of
    the public asking questions, seeking advice, reporting animal cruelty and wanting to join our


  • CAPS Zoo Awareness Weekend
  • World Day for Animals in Laboratories
  • International Anti-Fur Coalition’s Fur Free Friday
  • Every SHAC ‘Day/Week of Action’


  • Fur farming in Ireland was supposed to be banned by 2012, but the Green Party’s plan for
    this was scrapped by the new Fine Gael led government, which means that this horrendous
    cruelty will continue to exist until we can successfully get a full ban introduced into
  • We were invited to a meeting with the Dept. Of Agriculture’s ‘Fur Farm Review Group’,
    to put our case forward for a complete ban. Despite efforts from groups around the country,
    and beyond, Minister Coverney has decided to exclude a fur farm ban from the new Animal
    Health & Welfare Bill.
  • Protests at fur farms have started again, as well as outreach events organised in the nearby
    towns, to create awareness about the issue.


  • TK Maxx were caught selling real reindeer fur. They claimed it was a by-product of the
    meat industry, and therefore not in breach of their previous fur-free policy. After weeks of
    in-store complaints, emails, and phonecalls, they finally removed all remaining fur items –
    and leather as well!
  • ‘Pop Up Christmas Shop’ in Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre forced to stop selling fur by
    management, within days of campaign being launched.
  • ‘Adam’s Auctioneer’s’ decides not to include fur in their auctions again due to the volume
    of complaints they received from our action-alert.


  • Took part in dozens of radio interviews and debates on animal rights issues throughout the
  • Had a stall in Dublin’s Vegetarian Day Fair
  • Attended the Barry Horne memorial march and protest at Huntingdon Life Sciences in the
  • Through our mailing list, helped re-home dogs, cats, rats, a rabbit and a hamster
  • Successfully pressured the KSPCA to act and take a horse out of an abusive situation in
    Kerry, within days, even though locals’ pleas for help had been ignored for years. Horse
    now safe and doing well.
  • Joined forces with AFAR, ARAN, ICABS and Feral Cats Ireland for various protests.
  • Teamed up with SHAC and successfully pressured Irish company ‘Carl Stuart Ltd.’ into
    severing their contract with Huntingdon Life Sciences.
  • Got the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland to investigate animal cruelty being encouraged
    on the ‘Colm Hayes Show’.
  • Attended International Animal Rights Conference in Luxembourg
  • Participated in a UCD debate on animal testing
  • Monitored the Ward Union hunt for illegal hunting
  • Lots of media attention and support from local councillors received, regarding our efforts
    to get the Mansion House’s Christmas “Live Crib” banned. As a result, for the first time
    ever, the DSPCA publically condemned it.
  • Got Donegal Donkey Sanctuary to pull planned ‘donkey and cart’ publicity stunt at the
  • Took part in the World Day for Animals in Laboratories rally in Birmingham
  • Campaign against Charles River and Ovagen grows in support
  • Vegan LGBT group formed – vegan outreach events planned for pride parades

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NARA is a legal, grassroots level organisation that only operates within the law. Information on this website is for the purpose of legal protest and information only. It should not be used to commit any criminal acts or harassment. NARA is not affiliated to any other animal rights group. NARA has no links or involvement with the Animal Liberation Front or the Animal Rights Militia. Any articles published on this web site relating to illegal activities are posted for the sole reason of publishing news related to animal rights, and are not intended to incite or encourage similar acts.

Please feel free to contact us if you want to ask us any questions, report something or get involved.


Please feel free to contact us if you want to ask us any questions, report something or get involved.


Copyright © 2025, National Animal Rights Association.